Music Clips

Here are some music clips we made for our songs.
They are not produced with complicated screenplays like in the days of MTV. The clips are made with repetitive images that support the music.

We'll be posting more new clips here in the coming months, so check back when you're in the area!

 Mirror Me

 The Mind

 The Coffeebar

 Streetwise Rules Are Back


 Building A Frame

 Sit Tight

 New World

 Glass House

 You've Got An Issue

 Fix This

 We Care About Us

Support us by playing our album on your favorite streaming service!

You can also play our album on these streaming services: Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Pandora, YouTube Music, TikTok, Deezer, TIDAL, KKBox, Napster, Saavn, AWA, Claro música, Kuack, Anghami, iHeartRadio, Medianet, Slacker, 24-7, 7digital, InProdicon, Kdigital, NetEase, Cloud Music, Qobuz, Tencent, Boomplay, Hungama, Peloton, Joox, Adaptr, ayoba, Line music, Napster, NetEase Cloud Music, Nuuday, Shazam, Slacker Radio, Tidal, SoundExchange, Resso, AMI, iMusica, KDigital etc.