Play Album 'Bluesy Moods'

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We would like to present you our latest tracks!
It's a playlist, so it automatically plays all songs one after the other.
Sit back and enjoy an hour of unique and independent music.

If you like the music and want to listen to it more often, you can also do that in your favorite streaming platform. As a result, even more people will discover our music!

All compositions are made by Pien K. Selleger & Ron Sinoo.
They produced all tracks in their basement studio in Rotterdam West. (The Netherlands)

The Liquid Flies project is a kind of song bakery, no fixed music style, but always with a nice homemade flavour.
Pien and Ron have their own record label where they have released six albums in recent years. View the site for this: 'PiRoMedia records'.

Support us by playing our album on your favorite streaming service!

View our previously released albums here

You can also play our album on these streaming services: Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Pandora, YouTube Music, TikTok, Deezer, TIDAL, KKBox, Napster, Saavn, AWA, Claro música, Kuack, Anghami, iHeartRadio, Medianet, Slacker, 24-7, 7digital, InProdicon, Kdigital, NetEase, Cloud Music, Qobuz, Tencent, Boomplay, Hungama, Peloton, Joox, Adaptr, ayoba, Line music, Napster, NetEase Cloud Music, Nuuday, Shazam, Slacker Radio, Tidal, SoundExchange, Resso, AMI, iMusica, KDigital etc.